Monday, April 18, 2011

What's Happening In the Garden

Kaci Picked a bunch of Radishes

Peas need trellises

Water is flowing well

Digging the weeds in the squash rows. 

A great crew!!!  We made short work of digging the weeds in the squash beds.

A spinach salad that Traci made from the spinach we grew in the garden! 
It's already paying off!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Sprouts!! (some good, some...not so good)

Bermuda Grass---not good


I went out and looked over the garden today.  It's kind of fun to leave for a few days and then get to see how things change when you come back.  There are corn sprouts already!  I am pleasantly surprised by that.  Really didn't expect to see any corn for another week of so.  But, these nice warm days have really warmed the soil and jump started our seeds!
But... The warm weather and moisture has also jump started the bermuda grass.  There is a lot of grass coming up.  Of course we have been expecting this, and the mutual consensus has been that we need to get ahead of it ASAP.  The grass doesn't have much of a root system right now, which makes it especially easy to pull out of the ground.  But, if we wait more than a few days to start pulling, it will send out roots and make our work a lot harder.  So, this Saturday we need to have a major weeding party.  Please bring your kids and shovels and whatever other tools you may have for pulling up bermuda grass.   I have talked before about what kind of work it will be during this first year of establishing a garden.  This is one of those times when we will get to find out.  Of course, with the numbers of people that are coming out to help, the work will go a lot faster and be far less of a burden on everyone.  So please spread the word, bring your buckets and tools, and get ready to pull some grass! 

Also, those of you who have said that you are able to come out on the weekdays, but not on Saturdays, please feel free to come out and work.  There is plenty of grass to get rid of right now.  Just pick a row and start working your way down it. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I think the biggerst question that I've heard about the garden project is, "where's the water?' it is!   

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Planting Continues!

For the past 2 evenings a few of our fellow gardeners and myself have been planting.  So far we have planted 100' of peas, 400' of beets, 400' of carrots,  100' of radishes and 350' of beans!
There will be a planting party this Saturday at 8:00am.  Also, a compost bin will be going up.  Almost all of the seed will be in the ground Saturday. 

We are waiting another week to plant the tomatoes and other vegetables that are already started.  I need everyone to start saving their empty milk jugs.  We need them to cover the tomato plants for a few weeks after they are transplanted.  The jugs act like mini-greenhouses and help to get the tomatoes off to a good start.  We will need about 200 jugs, so drink lots of milk! 

On the 19th we will plan on putting stakes in the ground to support the tomato plants.  We will also be building trellis for the peas. 

With spring coming on, we will be mowing our lawns again.  Please start bagging your grass clippings for the garden.  We will be needing clippings for compost, and also to use as mulch around the tomatoes and squash plants.  Mulch helps to prevent weeds, and keeps the much needed moisture in the ground. 

Thanks again to everyone for all of their hard work!  This project is really starting to take shape. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Farmer Jennifer

Jennifer driving the tractor while Joe Zerkle and I act as "Counterweights" on the furrower.

Some of the new furrows ready for planting.

After all of the hard work that Jennifer Fiso put in with a rake and shovel, I thought it was about time for her to see how much fun it can be to let the tractor do all of the work. 

Starting to see the "Fruits of our Labors!"

This is not bermuda grass!  These are CARROTS!


One of our new onion sprouts!
I went over to the garden today to see how things were looking and this is what I found!!!  It's not much, but everything starts out small. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Shade Awning Completed

Tomatoes Sprouting

Waiting To Be Planted. 
I Can't Wait To See Them When They Are 6 Ft. Tall!